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    Man, Woman, Wild (2010)

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    Man, Woman, Wild
    Man, Woman, Wild is a cable television reality series which originally aired on the Discovery Channel from July 2010 to January 2012. The show features former US Army Special Forces survival expert, Mykel Hawke, and his television journalist wife, Ruth England, who have to survive for a half week with limited supplies in wild and inhospitable locations around the world.\n\nThe show focuses on Hawke teaching his wife various survival skills such as starting fire without the aid of modern implements like matches and lighters, locating and treating sources of water, and eating non-traditional forms of food such as insects and wild plants. An emergency crew remained on permanent stand-by during filming and was actually utilized during the first season, for example, when England was overcome by severe heat exhaustion and dehydration in a Mexican desert.\n\nOriginally running for two seasons, Man, Woman, Wild's first episode aired on July 16, 2010, and its last episode aired on January 19, 2012. The survival series will not be renewed for a third season which was confirmed by Mykel Hawke via Facebook in January 2012.

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    IMDb Wertung:
    5.1 / 10 :: 215 Votes
    Schauspieler: Myke Hawke Pierce  Ruth England 
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