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    The Ultimate Fighter (2005)

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    The Ultimate Fighter
    The Ultimate Fighter is a reality TV show where 16 contestants live together and battle each other for a pair of Ultimate Fighting Championship contracts. The UFC is divided into five weight classes, Heavyweights, Light Heavyweights, Middleweights, Welterweights and Lightweights. In the first season of The Ultimate Fighter, there are 8 Light Heavyweights and 8 Middleweights, with four of each trained by two legendary UFC competitors Randy Couture and Chuck Liddell. Willa Ford hosts the reality challenge segments that help determine who fights who to stay in the competition.

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    IMDb Wertung:
    8 / 10 :: 970 Votes
    Genre: Action Sport
    Produzent: Lance Asher
    Schauspieler: Mike Rowe  Dana White  Herb Dean  Randy Couture  Diego Sanchez  Forrest Griffin  Kenny Florian  Stephan Bonnar  94 weitere
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    Danke fürs hochladen. ABER Staffeln mit nur einer Folge... Naja will ich mal nix zu sagen!
    vor 11 Jahren